Saturday, August 28, 2010

Talking About Social Anxiety Symptoms

People with Social Anxiety can have fears that include, expressing personal opinions, talking to strangers, going to a party, initiating conversation or being assertive. Public speaking is a common one, eating or drinking in front of others, using public restrooms when other people are nearby, talking in meetings or classes or being in public areas such as a shopping mall can cause a whole lot of panic attacks symptoms to surface.

Just because others see you as being withdrawn, unfriendly shy, quiet, nervous, or just not interested in what is going on around you does not mean you are anything like that. It is very hard to be friendly and sociable when you try to talk but fear (anxiety) makes you stutter and stammer out a rush of words that don't make sense. Most people with social anxiety want to be accepted socially and make friends. They want to be involved and engage with others in social interactions. Anxiety sometimes makes them appear to not want or need to be part of the group. Social anxiety symptoms can prevent people from being able to do the things they really want to do. Panic attacks symptoms just from the thought of having to speak in public can include nervousness, excessive sweating, and intense fear, racing heart, dry throat and mouth, trembling, among others.

Getting nervous or self-conscious on occasion is normal, to feel some anxiety at times is normal what is not normal is thinking you are having a heart attack because you are having an anxiety attack. Social anxiety is much more than just shyness or occasional nervousness. The fear of embarrassing yourself is so intense, that you might go to great lengths to avoid situations that could trigger an anxiety attack. Has trying to avoid a social situations like a wedding or company picnic caused you intense worry for days, weeks, or even months before it to the degree that it your disrupts your life. Do you have the extreme fear of being watched or judged by others, especially by people you don't know? Does this cause you to fear that you'll act in ways that will embarrass or humiliate yourself or loved ones? Are you excessively self-consciousness and does the mention of an upcoming social event cause you to feel so much anxiety that you are sick to your stomach?

Lifestyle changes alone are not enough to overcome social anxiety disorder, but they certainly cannot hurt you and they can support your overall treatment progress. Eliminating things like caffeine not only in your coffee but also in chocolate, energy drinks, caffeinated soda, some diet pills and medications. Quitting the nicotine and alcohol as both lead to higher not lower anxiety and help with the pocket book. Getting good nights sleep is also great for attacking anxiety because when you are sleep deprived, you are more vulnerable to anxiety attacks.

The best treatment approach for social anxiety disorder varies from person to person. You may find that self-help strategies are enough to ease your anxiety symptoms, or you may need professional help as well, such as therapy or medication. Attacking anxiety is a difficult but not impossible task.
The great news is that many effective treatments and self-help strategies can help you overcome the symptoms of social anxiety and reclaim your life.

If you want to know more about Types Of Social Anxiety Symptoms read below:

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