Monday, March 1, 2010

Fear of Public Speaking - Be Gone

I recently received an e-mail that prompted me to conduct a survey on what answer I most feared. I have not responded to e-mail, because my greatest fear was at that moment the fear of unwanted messages anymore. However, I start thinking about the theme of fear. What are we afraid? What is fear? What can we do? We are all afraid at one time or another and in one way or another. I noticed a bit 'of my research and that, in addition Speaking of terrorism, fear of public opinion and fear of success ranked high on the list of things people fear most.

Fear of Public Speaking

According to a survey I read, many people are afraid of public space more than death. While many people are unaware because they are afraid to speak publicly on a conscious level, the psychological studies have determined that almost all those who have a fear of public> Speak had some major or minor injuries when they were younger, which causes them to speak to the public, such as adolescents or adults are afraid.

Fear of success

Another high-level and the common fear is the fear of success. Success means to reach or achieve a goal. Success can mean the attainment of wealth, fame, power, or what you want more for themselves. Success is a good thing. So why are so many of us, fear of success, bothconsciously or unconsciously? E 'for how we perceive success.

Rather than being about how it's nice to finally meet our goals, we will have for the downsides. Perhaps we have a memory of a successful person responsible for the ridiculous with "too much money." Maybe not listen to forget that it is easier for a poor man to enter the kingdom of heaven, or that successful people feel better than others. Therefore, we are afraid that others sayand think of us if we will succeed. Often sabotage our success.

We have no fear of success itself. We are what we could imagine the success bring fear. We think we could or should feel guilty that "the good life." We fear that our friends think they're jealous, are not like us. We fear we will have to work harder to get to our new status. We fear that the taxes we pay enormous. We are afraid that peopletry to steal from us. We wonder what would happen if we lose our happiness.

Strong feeling

Fear is an emotion, and the symptoms of this movement is manifested in all of us in many ways. Some think that the symptoms of anxiety are shallow breathing, sweaty palms, upset stomach, nervousness, headaches, inability to speak, the inability of clarity, depression, moving uncontrollable tremors, inability, and anger. People literally lose their lives and are known totake another to live in fear. All the "isms" are the children of fear - racism, chauvinism, classism, sexism. The war and crime thrives on fear.

Fear takes away our creativity, imagination, freedom and peace. Fear keeps us from pursuing our dreams. Fear can destroy relationships and ourselves physically ill. These four letters, the fear, provide the strongest negative emotion there is.

And you think we have all theseMisery and suffering for something that even with the exception of the senses and the perception that we give to a person, place, thing or event. Our fears have been living just because we all have our fears of life. Fears that exist because we usually feed them, and confirmed.

Our stories of the past and the fantasy

In other words, our fears about our perceptions and our perceptions of our individual stories and the history and foundation of ourIdeas.

How else can one explain the fact that each of us has different fears and concerns at different levels? For example, there are many people like dogs. However, there are also people who are afraid of dogs. Some snakes love to have them as pets. However, many others have become very afraid of snakes and traumatized at the mere sight of them.

Most of the time are not even aware of the stories based on our fears. Some of us have anxiety attacks andAnxiety for comment, still have a baby for us when we were little. In other words, we left a child from our past control our lives and our health today.

Let fear

To unleash the terror, we must change our ideas about a person, event or object. Choosing to see what it is - a person, event or object. Many of us are afraid of what will not happen and should not happen again. We can not enjoy our lives today because we are afraid of whatthe future may bring. We can keep us from the past, to publish our stories and our ideas about us.

When speaking of the fear of something still, you can always try to support techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy. I encourage you to explore the options, each of these techniques. Each of them with their own methods, de-traumatized traumas of the past and to identify andIntegrating the systems of beliefs in conflict, what we want to do.

In my experience these types of procedures can lead to the release of fears quickly. Instead of treating the symptoms, as well as drugs, these techniques and other similar procedures to address the cause of anxiety.

One sign of change

The positive aspect of fear is that this is a sign of change. If someone with a gun on us, in the fog of fear point we hopethat something would change for the better. Hopefully, we might think of a way to change the situation without any damage. Face in connection with the fear of the possibility of a child may be harmed, the parents have found the physical and mental strength, the courage that she could not know.

And so it is with our fears of each day. Be afraid to change a signal or move into a new direction. Move Over your comfort zone. Maybe we need more knowledge about the person, place, orwhat makes us feel anxious. More important, go to love. Love you love everyone and everything. Love is the strongest emotions. Where there is true love, the fear will go away.

We are stronger than the fear

In my opinion, failed to remember that we are in relationship with God and this great universe is the most common cause of anxiety. Where there is faith, there is fear. Lack of confidence in ourselves and what we capablecreated by doubts and fears.

Yes, there will be tragedies. No, things are not always so, as you go plan. Yes, there will be people who want to say negative things about you. These people would rather say, that seem to be your fault, rather than dwelling on their own. Give them your power.

None of us are normal people. We are all extraordinarily divine. Everyone has the power that will not fail, it should be recognized and embraced. Sometimes, Imust remind myself. I say: "Fear not, had disappeared. They have no power." Only through these words, it is as if I turn on the light, and I see fear for what it really is - nothing.

Copyright 2006 Wambui Bahati

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