Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fear of Public Speaking - Hypnosis Can Cure the Fear

Fear of public speaking is very common and many people find help through hypnosis. You do not have to visit a clinic or see a hypnotherapist in person to take control of your speech phobia. Talented professionals create ways to help you enjoy sessions from home. You can reach your goal of being a great speaker by using a hypnosis CD.

Public Speaking Phobia

There is significant difference between a fear and a phobia. Fears are natural responses to dangerous situations. Phobias are persistent, unrealistic obsessions about fearful situations. Some phobias are developed through trauma while other phobias can be learned in other ways.

A phobia prevents you from functioning normally on a daily basis. You are continually thinking about your fear and it gets out of control. This can lead to isolation and unnecessary anxiety. You can use a hypnosis CD to get over your fear of public speaking to prevent it from developing into a phobia.

How Hypnosis Cures Fear of Public Speaking

Fear is a natural response of frightening or potentially dangerous situations. The fear of public speaking is interesting because it is so intense but it really doesn't seem to have a legitimate basis. There is no threat of harm and you are not in danger of physical damage or loss of life.

While you know that you are not going to die, your body might feel like it is. The very idea of speaking in public is overwhelming and you have physical responses that tell you that you are in danger.

Self-hypnosis helps you remain calm before a presentation by helping you overcome your fear. This process requires you to dedicate time to relax completely and allow the suggestions to take effect. This begins with the subconscious mind and with your physical responses.

Physical Responses Can be Controlled

You are probably well aware of the physical responses your body naturally has when faced with the fear and anxiety. Sweating, nausea, dizziness and shaking are a few troublesome problems you face before making a presentation.

The physical effects make you more anxious and nervous and you feel that you are unable to control them. However, these responses are developed in your subconscious mind. Hypnosis helps you take control of your physical responses by training your subconscious mind to respond differently.

Objective Thinking

It can be very difficult to be objective when you are in the midst of a frightening situation. Logically you know that you are not in danger but you still feel anxiety and stress. You use a hypnosis CD to help you think clearly and objectively before giving a presentation.

The ideal hypnosis CD offers help from a professional hypnotherapist who guides you to a calm, relaxing state. You can overcome your fear of public speaking with the right help.

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