Sunday, May 16, 2010

Public Speaking Phobia - Releasing the Fear of Rejection and Its Roots Permanently

At the heart of many public speaking phobias is, among other fears (i.e. looking foolish, making a mistake, going blank, etc.) is the fear of having the audience reject you through negative comments/reactions, criticisms or an overall bad review. This can be extremely traumatizing for individuals and can severely hamper one's self confidence, self esteem, performance and even their chances for success. The latter is especially true if it is part of one's job or career to speak in public regularly.

The fear of rejection, which many individuals with a public speaking phobia harbor within, often has been implanted there well before they venture into the public speaking arena. Often it is the result of early childhood experiences of rejection or other negative experiences that get stored as memories in the unconscious only to be re-triggered later in life by similar circumstances.

Such memories I have termed "emotional landmines" that are just waiting to go off. They can be severely debilitating and in some cases extend their impact well beyond just public speaking. For instance they can intrude on and impair one's ability to communicate clearly and confidently with family, friends and even one's partner. They can set up limitations in the types of choices one makes in daily life thus leading to feelings of frustration, inadequacy, helplessness, and also to self sabotaging behaviors such as procrastination that seem to come out of nowhere and for no apparent reason.

I liken this situation to being "programmed" with defective software that only leads to dysfunctional or malfunctional performance. The only way to effectively address this issue is to clear the mind's hard drive of these landmines once and for all.

When an individual has stored within them a negative experience it acts as a negative program that not only directs that individual in a certain way it also employs and exploits that person's Life Force Energy in a manner that is not aligned with that Life Energy. In other words, that Life Energy becomes used and directed "against" that individual. This is the same as saying that the energy is directed "against life" or in the direction of dysfunction, illness, sickness and death.

To elaborate on this one simply needs to look at what happens to how they feel whenever they find themselves being "governed" by such negative energy. As said before they lose self confidence, self esteem, motivation, they start to feel and believe themselves to be defective and incapable. This can in severe cases lead to depression and or giving up. As you can see this program is not in support of being alive or lively.

In the process of releasing these energy parasites from within an interesting thing happens. The Life Force Energy that was felt to have been depleted from the mind and body spontaneously returns to reclaim its rightful real estate. It returns to invigorate that mind and body and return it to a lively, impassioned and inspired state. This is experienced as a return of one's energy, self confidence, courage, a sense of clarity, inner peace and much more. In this new state of being there is no more phobia only a sense of resilience.

If you are interested in having such an experience kindly contact me at the web link below.

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