Monday, May 24, 2010

3 Simple Secrets To Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

So you've been asked to speak to a group and the date is set. Maybe it's a sales presentation... a training session... a wedding speech... or an awards dinner. If it's something you're not used to doing, your natural fear may have already gotten the best of you. Don't let that happen. Here are 3 simple techniques for overcoming fear of public speaking.

Step number one: Look fear in the face and decide that you're going to win.

Simply making the decision relieves some tension. It's no longer a fight or flight response. You are going to step into the ring and you're going to shine. To truly decide means to cut off from any other possibility. So forget calling in sick, or dreaming up an excuse to miss the event, simply decide that you're going to do it and do it well. That's the first key to overcoming fear of public speaking.

Now... since there's no u-turns allowed, the decision is final. Perhaps you really didn't have a choice anyway. It doesn't matter. All you need to focus on now is how to deliver a great presentation. Believe you can do it and you're halfway there.

Step number two: Visualize your success. Visualization is a powerful technique that works to shape your future reality.

Find a quiet place you can return to often. Maybe it's your home office, or living room first thing in the morning before the rest of the family gets up. By the way, that's a great time to visualize. The other "prime time" is just before falling asleep. And if you can fit in a visualization or two, during the day, that's even better.

Visit your quiet spot. Find a comfortable chair and sit back and relax. Begin to breathe in slowly and deeply... and exhale the same way. Now close your eyes. As you continue breathing deeply, focus your mind on your breath and just let every other thought go. This may be difficult at first, but it does get easier with a little practice.

You want to empty your mind of all other thoughts, worries and concerns. Just let everything else float away. Next, get an image in your mind of you speaking in public, at the upcoming event. Focus on the best possible outcome. See yourself in the best possible light. That's another key to overcoming fear of public speaking.

Imagine yourself in that exact room. See an appreciative audience with your mind's eye. Visualize you standing tall and clearly communicating your thoughts and ideas. And finally imagine how good it feels as you leave the stage to thunderous applause. Allow yourself to feel it fully and just enjoy it for a few minutes longer.

Go back and imagine the same scenario again and again. See things working out exactly as you want. Lock in the feeling of accomplishment. Take pride in your performance. Assume that it's a done deal and you performed at your very best.

Step number three: Prepare your content. It's impossible to start too early, regardless of the time factor, begin at once. Begin to map out the subject area you're going to cover and plug in the key points you want to cover. If you need additional research, make a list of the details you want and start digging.

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