Thursday, July 1, 2010

Public Speaking Fear - Will They Reject My Words?

Your fear of speaking really a fear of rejection? This is less public talk of fear for many people. The way to address this fear is to first a closer look. What are you afraid of being rejected? His words?

Refusal of your words
Here are some facts to consider:

In fact: "Your words are only 7% of the actual message that you have. 7%! Can you believe it? TheMost of the message conveyed by body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. So seriously, which frees your words, is not it?
If you talk - if the public or a large customer - the intention is to establish a connection to them is not? This is what communication is everything. And to connect people to the center. That's where the non-verbal elements come into play. You're watching your eyes. Looking to see if you have paidattention to them. They want the feeling that you care about them and their problem.

Fact B: They want to feel positive emotions from hearing you - relief, hope, peace of mind. That experience does not come from your words.
We've all heard words that sound empty, where the emotion doesn't match the actual words. Picture an eye-rolling teenager saying "I'm sorry" to a scolding teacher. The words aren't conveying their real meaning, are they? See how this reduces the pressure for you to get your words perfect? If your fear of rejection is about words, I hope your fear is shrinking.

On the positive side of things, think of the people you enjoy doing business with. They're just regular people, right? Just like you.

Now think of their speaking styles. Do they all have perfect grammar? Are they all fabulous speech writers and award-winning orators? Is their language completely clear of "uh" and "y'know"? Of course not!

And yours doesn't have to be either. For now, stop worrying about your words and focus on relaxing so your voice, face and body can react naturally. That's what helps you connect to people so you can really get your message across.

Once you get some practice speaking naturally, you'll find it much easier to work with improving your actual words if you want to. It's ironic that once you let go of the fear about the words, your options for words open up. Your creative ability and willingness to experiment with new phrases totally expands once your speaking anxiety is gone.

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