Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Swine Flu Hoax

THE SWINE FLU HOAX Swine flu (H1N1) is a very clever way the establishment found, in order to create fear among people!!! Maybe, it exists, but is it so powerful as WHO (World Health Organisation) says it is? That is the question! This video provides you evidence that indicate that swine flu is not very powerful, and it is nothing to fear! Every year Influenza (seasonal flu) kills over 500000 people worldwide. In America, more than 200000 people get infected by it, and 36000 people die. The mortality rate of it is about 30%. these numbers are rather high. Whereas, swine flu has killed 86 people, there are 11168 reported cases, therefore the mortality rate is just 0.8%. If this virus had lasted a year, the deaths would have been 15695, and 67008 people would have been infected with it. Mathematically speaking, seasonal flu is a lot more important and dangerous than swine flu. But, everyone is now talking about swine flu, in order to obligate people, to get vaccinated! Drugs companies control the world health organisation and they actually play games with our lives, so that they increase their profit! And do not forget that in 1976, when a similar swine flu outbroke, the media said that flu was extremely dangerous, and many people got vaccinated. However, more people died by the vaccines than by the flu itself! The system is corrupted and we MUST NOT leave our selves to New World Order organisations, like WHO, UN, or anything like this, that not only do not they want our ...

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