Saturday, July 31, 2010

Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking With Self Hypnosis

Do you suffer from a crippling fear of speaking in public? Or know someone who does?

Does that nerve wrecking feeling of being the center of everyone's attention leave you feeling queasy, breathless and like your head is full of cotton wool? Not to mention highly embarrassing sweaty palms and painful blushing that leaves you feeling like an awkward teenager again?

If so you are not alone!

The fear of speaking in public touches the lives of many people and unlike a medical condition there isn't the simple option of a pill to pop and many people do not feel comfortable, or can afford, a personal therapist to help them work through this phobia. As the years go on the effect that this condition has on your life becomes more and more frustrating as you struggle to communicate effectively in not only social situations but in your working environment also.

You might be worried that you'll be passed over for a promotion or not recognised for the contributions you have made to important projects due to you inability to clearly and concisely communicate with your boss.

Fortunately there is an alternative to those pricey therapy sessions that can help you re-train your fear response into a much more positive speaking experience. Self-hypnosis is an alternative therapy that has provided outstanding results for people just like you.

Using self-hypnosis techniques that have been around for more than 100 years, many people are starting to take control of their public speaking fear using the power of the mind! A quality self-hypnosis program that is specifically designed to take you on a journey to becoming an effective public speaker will help you unlearn old fears and build amazing new confidence in your own abilities.

The key to this new confidence is understanding that you need to re-educate your mindset to lift away the fear associated with speaking in public and replace it with a healthy and calm perspective.

It's lifestyle change... Much like using a healthy diet to keep weight gain in check, people who are poor communicators must commit to spending 20-30 minutes a day, for just 30 days, using these techniques to re-program their fear response. But as anyone who suffers from a phobia of speaking in public will tell you, it's a small price to pay to be able to communicate confidently in both your personal and professional life.

Just imagine if 30 days from now you were able to deliver a toast in front all of your family and friends at a special event or chair an important meeting or speak one on one with your boss about your contributions, aspirations and goals in your role at work - all without the slightest hesitation or twitch of nerves, wouldn't that be truly amazing?

So if you suffer from a fear of public speaking, self-hypnosis might be the answer you've been looking for.

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