Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to Conquer Workplace Fears Such As Public Speaking

Fear of conflict, fear of small cubicles, and fear of speaking up. The phobias at work are endless. Why is it that Public Speaking is still on the top of the phobia lists? Wikipedia quotes fear of public speaking as "stage fright" affecting as much as 75% of the population. Most careers require an adequate ability to present which is vital to continued success.

Could Fear of Public Speaking actually be the fear of rejection? Fear of being seen as weak? Fear of being put on the spot? Since this topic continues to resonate, here are some tips to overcome these fears and anxieties:


Proper preparation exudes confidence. Always use bullet points for your presentations. Memorizing speeches can result in "freezing" on stage. Remember the flow of your speech instead (innovative opening/a few points/creative close) and you'll know where you are during all stages of the talk. Following the flow in your own words will make you sound conversational and relaxed. See yourself as the Expert. Know more about the subject than expected (have some info to share after your talk).


Be genuinely interested in your audience. How will the purpose of your talk benefit your audience? What are their needs? What action should they take to help them? As an audience member, we enjoy Speakers who smile, tell memorable stories, are positive and passionate. V.H. Vroom developed the Expectancy Theory in the 1960's: "We generally get what we expect." Recall a time when you did a stellar presentation and focus your thoughts on that outcome. Are most of your 60,000 thoughts per day positive? Expect to do well and you will. Be approachable. Add stories for a personal touch to keep your audience engaged.


Practice in front of a mock audience (perhaps co-workers if they have a similar need). See if the stories work. See if the audience is engaged. Be open to implementing their feedback. Practice without coaching is like not practicing at all.

Think of fluent speakers who had great impact. Chances are they took the above approach to overcome their fears to convey conviction and confidence. Trina Paulus once said, "How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar." Take the opportunities to prepare, put your audience first, and practice, and you, too, will become the envy of others!

Kerrie Espuga

Thanks To : Hybrid Trucks Review Essay Book Cleaning Wool

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