Thursday, April 29, 2010

Overcoming Your Public Speaking Fear

Public Speaking is the number #1 fear that people have. When I am giving a presentation, most people assume that it has always been easy for me. That is so far from the truth. I had horrifying experiences when I was in grammar school that left me feeling completely embarrassed and absolutely mortified. I promised myself I would never allow myself to be put in those situations again.

When I look back on those events, I now look at those experiences with gratitude. I am who I am today because I learned from those experiences. They have absolutely made me a better Public Speaking Coach. If I can overcome my fear of being in front of an audience, I know anyone can.

Great Public Speaking Tip - Overcome Speech Anxiety Today!

Relaxing is as Easy as One, Two, Three - At one time or another, everyone including the most experienced speakers will feel some form of nervousness and anxiety. Most speakers have become so accustomed to breathing shallow breaths, especially when they are feeling nervous, uncomfortable or rushed. Shallow breathing will absolutely increase a speaker's level of anxiety. As I have learned from personal experience, it can also lead an unpleasant higher pitch in the speaker's voice.

The opposite type of breathing, deep belly breathing, has a dramatic and instantaneous positive relaxing effect on your body, voice and your mind. The best speakers know that one of the easiest ways to relax is to learn how to breathe properly. Deep breathing is a simple and effective technique for getting our bodies and our minds to relax.

Right now take a really deep breath. I mean really deep all the way in to your lower belly. Watch your lower belly rise and fall. That is how we are supposed to breathe all the time. Take a look at your breathing when you are speaking to a group of people. If you find that you are breathing shallow breaths, you will need to take time to retrain yourself. Take a few minutes each day to practice deep belly breathing. Before long, it will become your natural way of breathing and you will be able to use this simple breathing tool any time you want to feel calmer, more relaxed and confident. What are you waiting for - Go ahead and Breathe!

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