Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking With Hypnosis

Ask a lot of people what they most fear and you may be surprised .  It may not be fear of flying, heights, spiders, dogs or open spaces.

It is , however, just as debilitating and irrational and often does not even have a cause - it is the fear of public speaking.  Whether it is making a business presentation or a best man's speech or a colleague's leaving party you could be feeling the following:

Dry mouth
Increased heart rate
Feeling tongue-tied
Muscular tension in the neck or stomach
Nausea or fainting
A sense of dread

Often one would naturally feel these symptoms during a situation of genuine panic like a fire or other emergency but wholly inappropriate to a presentation, business meeting or dissertation of some kind.

The fear usually develops during university years or when taking on greater responsibilities at work - when the pressure is on the fear of looking foolish in front of others can become overwhelming and then after one or two bad experiences the mind starts to predict bad things happening again .

So the experience leaves an imprint in the subconscious which is then compounded by negative self-talk - i.e. one's own negative hypnotic suggestions.

My experience as a top London hypnotherapist tells me that we can use the power of positive suggestion and imagery to wipe out this programme in the mind and replace it with something more useful.

Even if we cannot achieve a total elimination of the fear we can at least turn it into common or garden nervousness which is controllable.

If this is your major fear - why not give hypnosis a try?

Friends Link : Barn Stall

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